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I’m running into a problem when calling the Document Library SmartObject’s GetDocument method in a K2 workflow. The method works fine on machine (development), but fails on another (production). The method call used to work fine on production. I believe it stopped working after upgrading from 4.6.10 to 4.6.11, but I'm not sure. The error message I receive is “Item not found in collection”. I deployed the workflow and all associated artifacts using Package and Deployment, so I would expect all the SmartObjects to be the same on both servers. I examined the service and broker package in/out logs and could not find any errors. Additionally, the Document Library SmartObject’s GetDocument method succeeds on the production only when using the SmartObject tester tool. I have tried refreshing both input and output parameters in the SmartObject wizard, to no avail. I still get the same error message. I tried creating a new workflow that just makes that one call -- the Document Library SmartObject’s GetDocument method. Same results: workflow functions fine on development machine, fails on production with same error message “Item not found in collection”. The Document Library SmartObject’s GetDocuments – the list method – succeeds on both machines, however. I’ve also noticed that the some of the fields in the results -- for the GetDocument call --- on the production server are not in the same order as the corresponding fields in the results on the development server (see attached file -- I've highlighted those columns). I copied the columns and results from the SMO tester tool. The input and output parameters for the SmartObjects in both environments appear to be the same and are in the correct order.




After comparing the brokerpackageout between Dev and Prod, we found one property that does not have the same name. The property name in Dev is set to


                                <property name="Service_x0020_Requested0">


                                <property name="Service_x0020_Requested0_Value">

And the property name in Prod is set to 


                                <property name="Service_x0020_Requested">


                                <property name="Service_x0020_Requested_Value">



Customer was able deploy successfully after recreating the list in target environment using list template from source environment.



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