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When I have a Item List view open and edit an existing record (changing a date field) via line edit, once I hit save and refresh the screen, my original record is in there with the old data, but a new record has been created with my new data.


I apologize, I'm new to K2 so I may be missing something pretty simple.  I've done no customizations to the Item List, just created it directly from a SmartObject.  I've gone through a few forum posts, but can't find anything replicating this.


Thanks in advance.

Dear ,


So on ur save button , u lose modified data ? and new data is created succesfully ?

did u reconfigure the save button rules or is it default ? provide screen shot if u dont mind for save button rules ,

because in default  , save button has 3 rules , Create new items , Update old items , Delete removed items ,



No rules have been changed/added/modified.  Below are the screen shots for the Save rules and the configuration for the Changed item.11526i2D3F121824D37815.png



Jumping off of what Ahmad has said in his comment the save button will have 3 rules create new items, update old items, and delete removed items. In your rules it is saving items that have been changed. Perhaps you could change the method from save to update if one exists?


Save method may just add in a new item. Update should definitely be specific to that one item that you are changing.



Dear ,


I see no issue so far , r these all of the rule executed on save button click ? 

because "save" rule for changed items isnt wrong , when editable lists are created via SMO using smartbox service , they will generate "save" method

if the edtiable list created using SMO using other services Like "SQL service" , it will generate Update method ,

so , please provide wt else u got in ur save button , because there is a hidden issue that i cant see .



I worked on this case with K2 support.  Once we removed the Associations, the behavior stopped.  I'm still a little puzzled why the Associations would cause this issue and think there is a way to do this while still having them in place, but cannot get it to work.
