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I have a list with Nintex Approval WF. Once a user had added an item, I want to set item level permission for that created user to "Read". 

The approver get's the task and for him to respond, he is given contribute permission.

Once the approval is completed, I want to set Read permission for all the users("Everyone").  

When I tried implementing the same, since the Approver is having to contribute permission to approve the task, even when I set the permission as Everyone - Read, the contributor is still able to edit the item...


Have a look at commit pending changes and this helpful post on batching


In addition to that, could you add a screenshot of the configuration of your set item permission action? Highest permission win so if you want everyone to have read access you will need to remove all other writing permissions for initiator and so on.

You should have some privileged users like site owners as writers if something goes odd and someone need to edit the item.

Did you tick the "remove existing permissions" check box in set item permissions action?

Best regards

