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After contacting Nintex Support, it appears these are known issue but not being addressed as bugs. They occur in the latest version of Nintex Forms for SharePoint 2013 on-prem ( as of Apr, 6, 2016.

Scenario 1

When updating a list item using PowerShell, list items disappear on Nintex forms. To replicate:

  1. create a new list
  2. create a new Nintex form
  3. attach a file to a new item in the list (the attachment shows up in the Nintex form)
  4. update the Title field of the newly created item using PowerShell (the attachment no longer shows in the Nintex form

Scenario 2

When adding a Nintex form to an existing list populated with items that include attachments, the attachments are not displayed on the Nintex form. To replicate:

  1. create a new list
  2. create a new item and attach a file to it
  3. add a new Ninitex form to the list
  4. try to view the list item attachments using the Nintex form (they're not displayed)

Anyone have a workaround for these issues?

Hi Steven.

If you are comfortable with using jQuery/javascript, you should be able to use REST service call to get those list item attachments on form load (after the item is created). Alternatively you can also use Nintex workflow to make a web service call to get those attachments.

jQuery approach:

SharePoint 2013 working with file: How to get attachments of SharePoint list item using REST services ~ SharePointYamme……

Nintex workflow approach (the example uses approval form but you should be able to do it with initial form as well. It also requires a bit of jQuery format the attachments before displaying on the form)

Nintex Approval Form | Adelaide - Brisbane - Melbourne - Perth - Singapore - Sydney


I am having the same issue with Nintex Forms 2010 v1.11.0.0 and am surprised it is not being treated as a bug.  Frank Field​ does this sound right to you?

Thanks in advance,


Frankly we were really shocked it's not being considered a bug as well!

Hi Karen,

I'm not sure.  I don't know what you mean when you say you "Upload the form".  I'm not familiar with that.  Can you send a screens shot?


Eric Halsey


I'm just seeing this. Are the attachments disappearing completely meaning they are not being added to the list item or is the view of the attachments missing?

Again being slightly new to the issue, are you able to retract and add back the attachment control to the form?  Does that bring the linkage back?

Also from PowerShell are you able to see the attachments on the list item?

Trying to figure out what may be going on here.

Thanks Eric

Have you tried going into the Nintex form and setting the Attachments control settings default control to yes?


We had  a similar issue and this resolved it for us.

In my case, I'm adding the attachment in a workflow and can see the attachment in PowerShell or if I delete the Nintex form I will see it on the default SharePoint form attachments.  If I had to guess, Nintex is putting the list of attachments in formdata or something like that behind the scenes.  That is why it is not showing up when attachments are added programattically.  You can easily repro by creating a new list, add an item with an attachment and then create a Nintex form for the list.  If you open up the previously created item, it will not be displayed.



Yup.  That looks like it was the issue!  Thanks Rebecca Zey!

Great anewer Rebecca.  Simple things often helps.

Thanks so much Rebecca!

I have one attachment control on a Nintex form. It allows a user to attach a file and save the form. When you open the form the first time after adding an attachment, the attachment shows inside the form and you can click the name of the attachment and open it.  However, the next time you save and close and then reopen the item, that attachment is gone! (Yes, I do have the attachment control set as Yes on the Default control, and I do have attachments enabled on the list and I do have an attachments column.)  In the list view, the attachments column shows the paper clip icon indicating that the items do have attachments – they just don’t show up anymore inside the form.  I don't know how to find my attachments. I am not looking to have to do any special code - I just want the attachments to show on the form like they should.

Can this be fixed?


The attachment shows in the form after it is attached and the item is reopened once...

The attachment is missing in the form after the second time the item is reopened!!

Hi ‌ , I remember experiencing the same issue when using Microsoft Edge. Just to rule out the compatibility issue with browser. Is this issue happening in all browsers ? (IE, Chrome, Firefox etc)

I would also try creating a very vanilla Nintex form on a new list and see if the same issue persists. If it works on a different form then we will know its something from this form that is causing the issue. (eg rules, javascript etc)

Hello Thomas,

Thank you so much for replying to my post. I tried your suggestion to test in both browsers (I have Internet Explorer and Chrome) and it happened in both browsers. Then I tried creating a new plain list with a new form and it worked fine. So as you predicted, yes it’s just something strange with my current form. I’m new and still learning everything from scratch. My form is already in production with employees using it daily. So I’m going to copy it to a test server and see if I can rebuild a new one from scratch and see where I went wrong. ☺️ Thank you so much for your help!!

Lynn Chastain Dearing, CSCP

Training & Development Specialist

McKee Foods Corporation

(423) 238-7111 Ext. 22344<>

almost two years after your post and I am seeing this exact issue.  Was there ever a resolution??
