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Issues with Toolbar buttons and tables


For listviews, if we include a drop-down list for a custom filter above the list, we tend to use a table with two columns so that the drop-down list.

This is so that the drop-down list is on the right hand-side and right aligned and the toolbar buttons can be on the left hand-side and left aligned.

However, if the toolbar buttons are added first and then the table after, there seem to be issues moving the existing controls into the table - they refuse to be dragged and dropped. This means we then have to add new toolbar buttons into the table (as this issue seems to be limited to existing controls), move the rules over to the new buttons and then delete the old toolbar buttons.


This is a known issue and we have linked the ticket to the existing TFS Item. Currently there is no fix available.

Workaround if you use custom Toolbar Control:
Create the list view with no controls in the area above the list
Finish the View
Edit the view again and add the Toolbar controls.
- Controls added during the Edit can be freely moved in subsequent edits.

If you use generated Toolbar Control:
Place the Controls where they want them when first creating the view
Once saved the Controls can not be moved in subsequent edits.

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