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Hi all,


I'm attempting to use C# to get access to our workflow activity escalations.  The goal is to programatically create escalations for an activity depending on the value of a value inputted into the workflow on start.  I'm not 100% sure I'm following the right steps to do this, however I did find some code online that pointed me in the right direction and I've verified some of it using the API documentation...but unless I'm mistaken, it looks like the API has changed.


For example, look at this page:


It's the API document for the ActivityCollection class within the SourceCode.Workflow.Authoring dll.  The code is, granted, in VB but it should be the same in C#.  I saw this same code, in C#, used elsewhere online so I know it can be done (although the code was from 2009 😛 )  Attempting to actually do this in code, though, does NOT show the same class structure.  I can't foreach the ActivityCollection because there's no public GetEnumeration function, there's only Add, Insert and Remove.  None of these functions allow me to actually get an Activity out of the ActivityCollection.  Even if I could foreach the ActivityCollection, I can't get the Name of an Activity because that variable is no longer there.  


What happened to the API?  Did it change?  Is there new documentation out there?  The documentation for 4.6.9 does not match what I'm seeing.  Am I doing something wrong?


If it helps / matters, I'm using 4.6.7

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