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So I'm trying to format the current date using the inline functions, to do this I'm using build string action. However, the build string action is not functioning properly.


When I use the common variables or the workflow variables, it returns the same input...

Input: fn-FormatDate({Common:CurrentDate}, {textstart}yyyy-MM-ddT{textend})

output: fn-FormatDate({Common:CurrentDate}, {textstart}yyyy-MM-ddT{endtext})


However, when I enter today's date manually, it works perfectly.


Input: fn-FormatDate(5/24/2015,{textstart}yyyy-MM-ddT{textend})




Why the workflow variables value is not showing as expected??

I think you are trying to RUN only Build string action through designer and checking output.

You should run complete workflow and check for output.

Yes, you're right. I have realized this late.. It's really time consuming having to publish the workflow and run it again to check for output over and over again. I think Nintex should definitely work on the RUN action feature a bit more, it's pointless if its there but it doesn't show the output. Anyway, thanks Rohan Mhatre.
