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I have a single line of text field with a validation rule based on the value of the preceding choice field, named Q3.  If the value of Q3 equals Yes, an explanation is required, Q3E.  But even though I have included an explanation, the form keeps prompting me to complete the field.  See attachment SaveResults.jpg

See ValidationRule.jpg for the validation rule configuration.  I suspected that it could be that I created my formula backward, so I have reversed the formula and tried it both ways.  In the reverse, it will allow the form to be saved with or without a response, which is not correct either. 

Hello Ellen Farley​ -

You are on the right track!

You will want to have your validation rule check to see if the Yes/No is true AND your text is empty, if so, it is invalid.

So in my example, I have a Yes/No control and my title control (in a panel, easier to hide the section!).


The hide rule is applied to the panel and is easy enough (I think you have that part down happy.png):


The validation is on the title control within the panel:


The validation checks to see if it is "required" and then if it is blank, if so, complain!

Here it is published:




I also attached the form .xml file in case you want to see it in action for yourself and mess around with it.

Let us know if you need anything else happy.png

Hope this helps!

That did it...thanks.

Glad you got it working!

You just needed another set of eyes on it wink.png
