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I am attempting create a List item in a tasks list using the SharePoint List Items event. In the "assigned to" column, I am assigning a Sharepoint Group. But the workflow errors out when attempting to create the task with the following error, Changed the usernames below to show how the usernames were concatenated in the error message   User1DomainUser2Domain

SharePoint lets you assign SharePoint groups to tasks,  K2 "Assigned To" field type shows "User" instead of "User/Groups". I wonder if this is a current limitation of the product?

Server was unable to process request. ---> Error setting meta data fields - Fields does not match. ---> User: User1DomainUser2Domain Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: User cannot be found. at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPUserCollection.get_Item(String loginName) at SourceCode.SharePoint.WebServices.K2SPFunctions.K2SPUsersGroupsFunctions.GetUserId(SPObject spObject, String userLoginName)


Did you find a resolution to your error? We are experiencing the same scenario.

Hey all,

I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but here is a custom inline function that can determine the user type at runtime:

The type can then be used in conditions to determine where(datafield) a user needs to be placed and the datfield in turn maybe used in a destination set with the appropriate type.


In my experience with this issue -  Add the user (domainuser) to ANY sharepoint group and retry the failed process instance. This time it will pass without any error.

This is a known issue to be resolved in K2 4.6.
