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Issue with composite smartobject



We are having an issue with Composite Smartobject where data from the source SMO doesn’t get saved into destination SMO.

We are doing a list method on Matter.Closure.SMO.MatterClosureDetails and Create in SMO.Survey in a composite smartobject.

The first smo is made from a web api. The list method from the MatterClosureDetail smo is shown in the screenshot1.jpg.

The second smo survey is made from sql table and its create method works fine on its own. But when both of them are combined in a composite smo the create method doesn’t receive any inputs from MatterClosureDetails SMO and only creates an autonumber column and also assigns values to columns which had static values in Composite Smartobject.

Steps we are taking.

1. pass in a matter number as a parameter into the Composite Smartobject which reads from the list method of on Matter.Closure.SMO.MatterClosureDetails. see screenshot step1.jpg

2. Save some of the fields returned from step1 into SMO.Survey using create method. The sql survey table only gets values for static values that were assigned in the composite smo bindings but doesn’t get the inputs from the list method of the SMO. See step2.jpg for sql table screenshot and mappings.

The composite smo executes fine and returns no errors.

Could you please help us find out the problem.

I am also attaching the sodx file of a simplified smo and sql tables that gets used

Please let me know if you need more information.

Thank you



So we have confirmed this limitation with the Composite SMO's . Right now I do not see a workaround without implementing a Code fix ... and as such that wont be possible until at least next version . Would it be sufficient to replace the composite SMO with a sProc for now that will effectively do the same work and then just generate a SmartObject off that ?

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