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Is there an issue with the Choice as Checkbox on Nintex Mobile? I have a choice field that displays as checkboxes, but when I use Windows 8 Desktop App, if I check one a previously selected checkbox becomes unselected. Seems 'buggy' or random when you check a box, and another becomes selected/unselected. I unistalled/reinstalled latest version of the app, but still has issue.


I also notice this when using the multi-select list box Nintex Control. Seems fine on desktop layout.



1. I have the first checkbox selected.



2. I select the next one in line, and the first one 'unselects'


In addition, I just noticed that when I finally get multiple checkboxes to be selected on my mobile form, and I submit my form, only 1 option is actually captured.


Windows 8 Mobile Checkboxes selected


Actual Data Captured in the List & Desktop Form:


So now my real issue is that the mobile multi-select choice is not even capturing my multiple selections.
