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Dear All,


We have a batch job which will extract some information from the DB and place it in a shared folder.


We are facing issues with this in PROD environment, where as it is working fine in other environments including Pre-prod.


And also, when we are running the job from the task scheduler, the file in the shared folder is getting updated as expected. But when we access the job from one of the K2 forms, the file is not getting updated (the modified date is still old one).


We have compared the properties of this job in both PP and P. everything is same execpt that the job is triggered daily in PreProd whereas in Prod it is triggered once a month.


Kindly help us what are to be considered/checked to resolve this issue.


Thank you in advance.






 There are lot of missing pieces to this solution description for the community to be able to begin helping with this issue. Can you give use some more details around the batch job to which you refer? Is it a PowerShell script? you mention K2's task scheduler, there is a Process Scheduler but the UI for that only exits in SharePoint 2010 and I believe in App It.


if you can help us better understand the moving parts we might be able to offer some guidance.


