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Issue Passing ProcessInstanceID through to View


I have a view that needs a process instance ID to get the data from the database. I've added a hidden data label to the view.

When I configured the step in the workflow that is associated with the form this view is on and I'm on the transfer data screen I can see the Process Instance ID data label, but the Context Menu won't let me drag the Process Instance ID to the data label.

All the documentation I've read makes it seem like this should be doable. I have also attempted to select the Process Instance ID and hit Add in the Context Menu, but that isn't working either.


I found two options for you, outlined below, ultimately I found that the ID that you want to capture is not a "Data Field" so it can not be used where you were trying to input the data. I am also including the URL that documents the features, however it is not extremely verbose in the definitions. So like I said the options you have are the two we have worked on, you will need to figure out which is the best option for you going forward, as both get you ultimately what you want in slightly different ways.

option 1:
On the Form:
create a parameter on the form
create a rule when the form loads/initializing that the data label is populated with the parameters value.

from the work flow:
using the same event, but on the Specify Parameters screen you should be able to drop the ID that you want into the Form parameter that you created above.

option 2:
In the workflow to create a data event and put the ID in the datafield, then in the client event transfer the data, I tested both of the suggestions out and they do display the ID.

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