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The follwoing issue has been identified during Security Scan

Unencrypted __VIEWSTATE Parameter in web.config files.

URL: https://ss-jhd-wfsft/Runtime/BlockedBrowser.aspx
Parameter: __VIEWSTATE
Risk(s): It is possible to gather sensitive information about the web application such as usernames, passwords, machine name
and/or sensitive file locations
Fix: Modify your Web.Config file to encrypt the VIEWSTATE parameter



K2 does not make use of the __VIEWSTATE parameter and do not store any information in it, thus there is no need to encrypt it.
The reason the client/tool sees the paramater is because the .Net framework adds it automatically


Customer closed the ticket after the following feed back:
K2 does not make use of the __VIEWSTATE parameter and do not store any information in it, thus there is no need to encrypt it.
The reason the client/tool sees the paramater is because the .Net framework adds it automatically

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