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Issue Collation on SmartForms




Client is trying to get data from a Sharepoint list. But it shows collation error

It seems that the Sharepoint database collation is different that K2 database collation. Note that SharePoint has its own database collation requirements for SharePoint databases and tempDB documented in Microsoft KB2008668 "Supportability regarding SQL collation for SharePoint Databases and TempDB"





The only supported collation for K2 database is "Latin1_General_CI_AS" which is documented in Technology Requirements for Microsoft SQL Server & Reporting Services section of  K2 blackpearl Installation and Configuration Guide.

However, you can use collation "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" as long as it's in Case Insensitve (CI) mode. But at minimum level, you will have to make sure the collation setting is uniform across all SQL Server.



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