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Staging environment is K2 4.6.9 and K2 Connect 4.6.9 installed (Staging) and Production environment has K2 4.6.8 and K2 Connect installed. We are not quite ready to move our production to BlackPearl and Connect 4.6.9. However we have a site collection in Staging that we would like to move to Production. This site collection has K2 Workflows and Forms running on it (in Staging).

Question: If we were to move this site collection to Production will that cause issues since our K2 Production environment is on 4.6.8? We don't plan on using the k2 functionality until we are ready to update production to 4.6.9, but the users would like the rest of the site in production. Will this cause any issues with K2 or K2 Connect?




In theory, it should be possible to migrate a site collection from Staging to Production, despite the K2 version mismatch.
As long as you go in and disable all K2 functionality within the site (assuming you do some sort of migration that includes K2 artifacts, via either site templates or 3rd party tool), the site collection itself should be fine.
By "disable the artifacts", I mean, for instance, if there are any SP event receivers for K2 workflows, make sure you disable them (delete them, set permissions so nobody can start things, disable them, whatever). If there are SPWI processes, remove or disable them as well. Don't deploy the SP SmartObjects yet in Prod.
I'm sure that isn't an exhaustive list of all possible artifacts, but hopefully it gives you a good idea what I'm talking about.

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