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What's the proper way to deploy the necessary DLLs on a system that does not have Blackpearl installed in order to use SO ADO?


I just installed the Client Tool portion of the set up, still same issue.

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider.  It may not be installed.

Hi Peter

What application do you want to consume the ADO provider in? Reason I ask is because each one seems to have it;s own little intricacies about config files to change.

As a starting point, have you looked at the following blog post:

While that post is specific to SSRS, the list of assemblies should be what you need, regardless of what application is consuming the ADO provider. As for modifying config files, that depends on the app.

Did you manage to get this figured out?

I do see SourceCode.Data.SmartObjectsClient in GAC on the non-K2 Win2003 32-bit server.

Update 4/10/12:

I can use SmartObjects Tester ADO Query on the server without Blackpearl server component installed.

Problem still exists with ASP .NET not able to find this provider name during runtime.

Copied SourceCode DLL files to C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassemblyGAC_MSIL, still not working (and on Blackpearl server these DLLs do not sit in NET40 GAC)

        <asp:SqlDataSource ID="srcActivity" runat="server"
            SelectCommand="SELECT ProcessInstanceID ProcInstID, ActivityInstanceID ActInstID, ActivityName Name,
            Status, Final_Action FROM Activity_Instance_Destination.List " >

Now it seems the common thing is that this might require VS2010 to be installed on the server for it to work... that's the only thing missing on this server.  doesn't say anything about special deployment.
