I'm not sure I understand your scenario...
do you mean to remove entries/items from lookup list which are being referenced from other list?
or do you mean to remove lookup list completely and replace lookup control with single text + copy over poplated values?
Hi Marian,
First of all happy new year and a lot of Nintex fun (also to all other community members).
The list lookup values can change over time (removed, new ones added), but removed/modified ones need to show the original value in existing forms when opening for Edit; currently those items will disappear or show the changed value in stead. So I was thinking of replacing the list lookup dropdown with a text field and use a button with JS to popup a list lookup dropdown which pastes the selected value in the text field. All this within a repeating section.
Hopefully this clarifies my requirement.
First of all happy new year and a lot of Nintex fun (also to all other community members)
same to you, and to whole community
hmm, basic rule for lookup lists is (should be) that you never delete items from it. especially not ones which are being referenced from other lists.
it's their purpose/advantage that they internally work based on IDs so you can freely change displayed/presented text value with no impact on functionality.
if some of the items should not be used/allowed for new items anymore, I would solve it by a status flag field (active/not active| and applied a filter in forms (I know this need not be always easy with nintex forms if you need to apply several filters).
if you really want just to store a text value valid at a timepoint when an item is being created then I would completely ruled lookup controls out. they are anyway big performance issue within repeating section.
I would rather used textbox with autocomplete functionality - it pretends kind of 'list of value' approach but still allows you to input/display value out of the provided list of values (eg. removed entry from lookup list).
see eg. https://community.nintex.com/thread/13750-autocomplete-in-a-repeating-section?commentID=52309#comment-52309
Thanks Marian,
But working with the flaf column depending calculated field does not work correctly for items with a disabled option as it would show empty in Edit mode. On saving it would be cleared, at least in my tests it did.
I usually handle such situations with views - in new form I apply restricted view, and in other form modes all items view, like