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I have been working on creating a Data Request to help escalate some document requests. I have it escalating perfectly but I noticed that when it escalates, the first

email sent is not that assigned to the recipient until they scroll to the bottom of the email. Can I change the orientation of the emails when it escalates so that the recipient

see their assigned email first, before scrolling down to see the previously sent emails?

Hope I explained it right and any help will be gratefully appreciated.

Could you send a screen with the scroll you mention?

I will try get an image soon. Let me just say that Owner, Manager and Director are the names in the list.

Once Owner does not respond, it notifies Manager and does so to the director as well after a given period.

When the Director receives the email, it shows the email to Owners and Managers first. They have to scroll down

the email to see the email assigned to them.

Is there a way I can rearrange per say, to have the Directors see their assigned email, and then scroll down to see

the history of emails that were sent to the Managers and Owners.

(I have this fear that the may look at it as addressed to the wrong person right after they open since the first thing they

see is not addressed to them.


Is it possible to have the last person who is delegated to, to receive their message followed by the previous emails? Instead of having their emails on the bottom of the emails.

Can anyone help me with this, since it is the only reason I have not deployed yet.
