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Hello Everybody,

Is it possible to access User Profile properties from inside NINTEX form using RESTAPI other than using USER Profile component inside workflow? I found there is a endpoint to access Current logged in user's profile properties like Department, LastName etc etc. But is not working from inside NINTEX form...some permission related issue. I also tried to configure the NINTEX Form app to get access of that RESTAPI endpoints but still it's not working.

Please let me know if anyone of you have any workaround to call REST API inside from a Form. Remember the requirement is to call REST API inside from NINTEX FORM but not by using workflow component.




NITEX form app doesn't have permission to call the REST API. Always it's showing Unauthorized access. At least till now I am not able to do it from inside NINTEX form. If any of you have any idea please let me know. By the way I have sorted it out from Workflow 'Office365 Profile' component but it is a very laborious job that I have to put and configure that component for several times in my complicated and branched workflows and that's why I am looking if it's possible from NINTEX form inside by calling REST API, so that I have to code minimize and could be controlled from one place.

Let me know if any one of you have any ideas to call REST API from inside NINTEX form.


