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Hi there,

We keep on getting the following errors when we try and ipc to another process. We get 3 different types of errors:

1.) An exception occured while starting the IPC
2.) A database error occured
3.) Event status is not Active

We dont always get these errors. Only once in a while. But its starting to build up and we cant get rid of these errors. We tried rebuilding the IPC's then export the process again, no luck!!! We also tried to repair these errors....and still no luck!!!!

See the screen shot attached.

The best I can do is to recommend opening a formal support ticket on the portal. We'll need your error files - K2Error.txt and ADUMError.txt if present, your Studio Solution and a copy of both databases.

Hi Ockert,

We found the solution for this.

The problem was the datafields that are parsed thourgh to the dest process. In the source process we have a string datafield that we try to parse through to a date datafield. If the string is null and we parse it through it tries to convert it to date.

Would have liked to have a bit more detail on the error descriptions. But you cant have everything can you...
