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Please try the IP Address of the Server and see if you get the same issue.

Let me know.
I'm new to K2 so I might be missing something obvious but when I define an IPC event in the Studio using the wizard or the property screens I constantly get the warning "Cannot connect to the serverL name on Port 5252. Would you like to ignore this warning?" when I click on apply or OK. It doesn't happen when I use local as a server but I can't use that as it will be deployed on a different machine.

Everyone has start rights for all the defined processes and the K2 server doesn't show any error ?

Anyone any idea ?
I thought I would just add my 2 cents on this. It is recommended that you always use local as the Server Name if you are going to start the child process on the same K2 server on which the parent process is executed. The K2 server will then not need to make an actual RPC call to start the new process, the K2 Server will create the child process directly in the database. This will help a great deal on performance in a high load environment.

Additionally, if you port your process between environments, you don t need to update the server name, as local will always be interpreted as Myself by the executing K2 Server.
