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ich had a very large process which overfilled the designer page so K2 Support told me that I should use smaller parts and IPC. So good so far. I split my process - every part will use the same InfoPath Form and in every part I say use in WebBrowser.

After deployment the form isn't browser enable. Has someone a idea to this?

Additional Question: Which process rights I have to give to the child processes?

Hello again,

ok I have more problems the the browser enable. My parent process has an infopath integration with filled start options (so if the form is submitted this process should be started), the two child process have also an infopath integration because I need it for the infopath client events - but a "Start without form".

When I submit the form unfortunately one of the childs is started and not the parent. It seems so, that the alphabetic last process is used????

Is there anybody who can help?


In reference to your first question about your form not being browser enabled:  in InfoPath design mode, go to Tools | Design Checker.  If you have used any InfoPath features that are only available on the thick client and not in forms server, InfoPath will always open with the client regardless of what settings you have in K2.


thx for your answer - I also found this reason - there was an "not existing" field on one view with an error - dunno where it comes from. I had to delete this view and make it new.

But I have still problems.

If I use the same form for every process - K2 tries to start not the parent process - one of the child is started (it's the last one in deploy list).

If I use own forms for every process, than my parent process is started (I take the right form of course) but within the IPC childs the parent forms are openend and not the child ones.

Any ideas?

Hmmm... my InfoPath integration is similar to yours, but I do not experience the same issues that you are seeing.  How are you integrating each form with the process?  Are you using the 'Project Integration' option, or are you simply making copies of the same form and referencing each individually?

Project Integration - Option ???? Perhaps this is the overall problem - What is this and how can I find it?

K2 Support told me to run the InfoPath Integration Wizard - there I did'nt see this Option. The wizard always create a copy of the form - I'm not able to use really the same form. But I use the same basic form for all processes.

When you run the InfoPath Integration wizard to add a new template, you are presented with a dialog that prompts you for the location of the template.  The options should be 'Local or Network Location', 'SharePoint Form Library' or 'Project System'.  If you select 'Project System', you can choose to use an InfoPath template that was integrated in a different process, allowing you to share the same template between multiple processes.  I hope this helps...

I try this - but if I open my form K2 tries to start the child-process ADisSales and not the parent ADisRequest.

I fear it is an "spelling" error - the other childs are called ADisOperation and ADisassembling - so ADisSales is the last process from naming.

For the start problem I found the "workaround" that I deploy my parent additional single at least. The my parent starts, later the child starts and I can open the child tasks - I get the right forms (fine!), I get the right task actions (good) - but I can't submit the child form because of "Action not found".

I am soo sad - I am not able to get this workflow to run. I also get no answer from the K2 support - can anyone help.


During the InfoPath event wizard you need to bind the event to a task action which is usually a drop down list in InfoPath. That drop down list will have the "actions" like Approve and Reject for example in the list that the workflow can use to create rules in lines to the next event.

Of course I do so -

I found out that K2 creates a submit rule for this "binding" for every view which is used in an infopath client event. But it seems so, that because my parent and the child use a different set of views within the same form - it happens that K2 clears this submit rules. I think if you use the wizzard (changing something in the form ..)

Because I use in all views the same task-action field I put now my own submit rule - without view conditions. Then it works.

As a Summery - to work with IPC and InfoPath.

* First use Project System Option

* Give the Parent the alphabetic last name or deploy the parent after every child deployment

* Set a own submit rule

A little strange - or??

When you run the InfoPath Integration wizard to add a new template, you are presented with a dialog that prompts you for the location of the template.  The options should be 'Local or Network Location', 'SharePoint Form Library' or 'Project System'.  If you select 'Project System', you can choose to use an InfoPath template that was integrated in a different process, allowing you to share the same template between multiple processes.  I hope this helps...

I have encountered the same issue with the threadstarter while utilizing the "Project System" integration wizard.

My sub-process decided to start first when the InfoPath form submit.

After some trial & error, my "workaround" is to set my sub-process's Deployment location to a local folder and leave the Main process to deploy to a SharePoint library. After that, the workflow managed to trigger the main process when the InfoPath form is submitted.

Hopefully this helps someone or anyone else have the right way, please share it with us. Cheers.

I'm trying to get the XML schema of my InfoPath form to carry into my IPC event process and found this thread... I tried the approach to use InfoPath Integration & Project System, but when I specified a local deployment location it doesn't deploy.  I pointed it to my C drive and it says "Access to the path C: est.xsn is denied."  I don't have any client events or anything in the other process, I'm exclusively using it for system steps.  I just want the schema to be available in the other process and this seemed like a good way to do that.
