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This is our situation:
We have a workflow where an employee fills in a form to ask for different kinds of security settings (NT share, SAP account, etc)
Each security setting is a sub-workflow that has to be followed. So one master-request can initialise a number of sub-workflows.

From the K2 help file, I've learned that the IPC solution is the way to go.
The sub-process is setup like this: Start --> An application business owner gives his approval --> An application sec admin sets the security settings.

My question is about the activity in the master-process. The activity that contains the IPC event. I'm of the understanding that in the master-process the destination rule contains multiple Application Business Owners. So the first routing of the sub-process is actually done in the main process ? But where does the Application Business Owner gets his email to approve the request ? is it in an activity in the sub-process ? Or must it be in the activity in the main process with the IPC event ? So if he gives his approvel in the main process, the sub process is started. Does that mean that he has to be removed from the sub process ? (that he actually replaces the START activity of the sub-process)
I'm no completely sure I follow.  Generally speaking the email task notifications are sent from the Client Event regardless of whether it is in the parent or child process.

From what i understand you first want to get approval from a ABO (application business owner), and based on his approval, if required, start a sub process.

If the sub-process is only started based on the decision of the ABO, then yes: you add the ABO as a destination on the master-process. The question of wheter or not the ABO should be involved in the sub process is determined again if the ABO has any role to play in the sub-process. You have to keep in mind that even though you (as developer) know that your sub-process is related to the master-process, for K2 server that is not the case. Each process has its own scope and rules and if you have a user in the master-process, that user will not necessarily have rights to the sub-process, you have to add that user again.

****  IPC design warning  ****

if you have an activity with a client event and an ipc event, and you have multiple destinations, remove the IPC event and add to another activity where you manage the number of sub-processes invoked. The reason for this is that each destination will start a sub-process, and if for argument's sake you only have one (1) slot for those destinations, the master process will continue with execution once the first IPC sub-process returns even though other sub-processes may still be executing. when those sub-processes then complete, they will be orphaned enot having a master-process to call back into] and you will have exceptions in the K2 server.


hope this helps

