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I have faced this issue once.

If you look at the code generated by the smart form
you will see under the #Region web form generated code
there are settings that can help you understand this.
Hi there,

I've been having this problem on and off for a while. I have set my start page to be a plan page, but when I try to run the application I get the error page - invalid serialnumber. If I close the application and open it again I find that the PageType property has reset to client page, when I run it I get the error as I would expect. I change it pack to a plan page, save and start the project and get the error again. It doesn't show that it's reset back to a client page until I close it and open it again. Is there somewhere in the code where I can check the PageType property, or is there a reason why it might behave like this?

Many thanks,

