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Invalid Object error for SmartObject Execution. We are not able to execute a Custom SmarObject in K2 environment. We have tested the configurations and redeployed the smartobject and the service instance multiple times, however, still the smart object throws the same error.

The same components are working fine in all the lower non-prod environments.

Message: Invalid object name "Satabase.dbo.Method" Service Name: DB_Name ServiceGUID: andltvalid guid of the serviceandgtInnerExceptionMessage:

Note that only the "List" method of the smartobject is causing the issue.



Recreating the Service Instance to discard an issue with the actual SmartObjects showed us that this was coming from the K2 SmartObject since the same issue was seen. Reviewing the history of the databases and the recent actual changes to the K2 Server gave some insights.



Using SQL profile trace to see what was going on behind the scenes with the K2 Server trying to execute the list method, showed up an error trying to create a Temp table on the master table. The K2 Database used to be on the same server where the Service Instance Database was and with the latest upgrade to SharePoint 2013 it got moved to a new server. Reviewing the Service Instance options the "On a different SQL server" Option was set to false since they were together before the K2 Database move.

Changing the On a different SQL Server to True and updating the Service Instance resolved the issue.

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