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We have workflow which is having line rule. In line rule we are giving call to database view, and we are checking if database view return count is greater then zero. If it is greater the zero we are calling next activity.


This was working fine, but suddenly it stop working and in error log it throws error "Invalid attempt to read when no data is present". I tested running database view in sql server. The database view is returning rows properly. Not sure why it is happening. Please help as it is urgent to fix the issue.


Added screen shot







If you're making the database call through a SmartObject query, try running the SmartObject tester tool making sure to use the account the workflow uses to query (most likely the K2 service account but could be set up differently for that service instance) and see if you get the expected results.


Hi Tim,


Thanks for reply, I check running smart object it ran sucessfully and given me the result. Attach is the result.

I also check the process rights for that workflow, all rights are present.


Please let me know any other possible cause for error.




