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Users are intermittently getting an Internet Explorer 404 error when trying to access K2 Forms and the K2 Workspace.
The below url suggests that this could be due to the http request length. I have checked the http log on the server and we have received the error messages described.

Would this solution be something you recommend we try?
Can you suggest the length we should we set the registry keys to?
Should this be done on the K2 servers only or also on the SharePoint servers?




Found the following Error in the K2 hostserve log files:

"99503085","2015-11-20 02:44:44","Error","General","0","ErrorMessage","1","0 SharePointRoleProvider.GetGroups: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: An unexpected failure was encountered when contacting SharePoint to get information from the group provider GenericCase: K2 Server does not have the necessary permissions on the SharePoint server or cannot authenticate with the server. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.

With focus on this section of the error "K2 Server does not have the necessary permissions on the SharePoint server".



See the below K2 Developers Reference document refer to page 170 Configuring an HTTP SPN,d.d24andcad=rja

The setting were applied as per K2 BlackPearl Developers Reference to resolved this issue.



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