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Getting error randomly when submitting email

The K2 server was unable to action the workflow task (Unknown)((SERIALNO]) on your behalf with the action Accept. Check your worklist or contact your system administrator for more information.

You may try one of the configured actions:
Or one of the standard actions:
• Redirect
• Delegate
• Sleep
This server accepts dates in the formats 'M/d/yyyy' and 'dddd, MMMM d, yyyy', and times in the formats 'h:mm tt' and 'h🇲🇲ss tt'. Dates and times may be combined and a time zone may be specified using ' /-hh:mm'. For example 2/2/2015 11:51:58 AM 2:30 or 2/2/2015 or Monday, February 2, 2015.

Ensure that the serial number of the task is included in your reply. You can find this in the original notification or on your K2 worklist.

The full error from the K2 server is '28026 K2:0DOMAINUSER] does not have permissions to impersonate user K2:sDOMAINUSER].

For more detailed information reply with 'Help'.



This is an impersonation issue that occurs when both "useWebkit" and "serializeResources" are enabled on the PDFConverter service instance. The KB ( does not clearly state that one or the other should be used, and not both.


Select either useWebkit or serializeResources to be enabled in the Service Instance. (This issue was also resolved by changing the PDFConverter service instance to use the Service Account authentication mode, however that is merely a workaround and does not address the underlying issue.)

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