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Randomly these errors are showing in the console, most of the time the notifications work properly.

Error   9005 Error executing SmartFunction. Parameters: guid = SendEmail, majorVersion = SystemPolicies, minorVersion = 1, serialize
dFacts = "blah blah blah email stuff........"
- Exception:    at SourceCode.SmartFunctions.Engine.Runtime.ExecuteSmartFunction(String name, String nameSpace, Int32 majorVersion,
Facts facts, String user)
   at SourceCode.SmartFunctions.Runtime.SmartFunctionEngine.Execute(String name, String nameSpace, Int32 majorVersion, String serial
Error   2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.SmartFunctions.Runtime.SmartFunctionEngine.Execute, Exception occurred during execution of
 SmartFunction SystemPoliciesSendEmail v(1), Exception:  --- Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.;Failure send
ing mail.;Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. ---
Error   2025 Error Marshalling SourceCode.SmartFunctions.Runtime.SmartFunctionEngine.Execute, Exception occurred during execution of
 SmartFunction SystemPoliciesSendEmail v(1), Exception:  --- Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.;Failure send
ing mail.;Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. ---
Error   8060 ProcessPacket Error, Exception occurred during execution of SmartFunction SystemPoliciesSendEmail v(1), Exception:  --
- Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.;Failure sending mail.;Unable to read data from the transport connection:
 net_io_connectionclosed. ---


K2Server HostA my control

SQLServer HostB my control

SMTP Server HostC not my control


Any idea where to correct this random occurrance?

Hi KJ,


From what i can see from the errors you are recieving it seems to be a SMTP issue. Has this happened before? Has anything been changed in your enviroment? Are you able to send and recieve Emails? Are the sender and reciever in the same email domain? Also would you please check the Send Email permission is set correctly?





From what i can see from the errors you are recieving it seems to be a SMTP issue. Has this happened before? Has anything been changed in your enviroment? Are you able to send and recieve Emails? Are the sender and reciever in the same email domain? Also would you please check the Send Email permission is set correctly?


I don't know. I assume it has been happenning all along.

Nothing has changed. Yes most emails are sent without issue, only some give the error. Yes sender and receiver are in the same domain. If permissions were the issue wouldn't it fail in all cases? I will randomly also get this error in the mailevents also, but those get trapped in the error log and once retried they send fine.
