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Currently evaluating K2 as a BPM solution and would like some guidance on how to integrate a K2 workflow into an external website.


In my scenario we are using K2 as the workflow management tool and abstracting the user interface to use a custom website.


I am currently able to start the workflow from code, however I cannot make a button on a website 'Approve' or 'Reject' call their respective actions on the workflow. Additionally, I need to be able to know if the user looking at the website is authorized to Approve or Reject.



Take a look at 300.NRT - K2 Workflow APIs and Services - Runtime. This will get you kick started on using K2 API.


You should look out for:

1. OpenWorklistItem. This method requires you to pass in the SN information from the query string. It will check if the user is a destination user of the task.

2. WorklistItem.Actionso"<action>"].Execute(). From the method call in (1), you will get the WorklistItem object. This is the task item you are trying to open. This method call will execute the action.




