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Instance Error: An Activity with a client event should at least have one destination




As shown in the attached image, we have some instance with error. The error message is "An Activity with a client event should at least have one destination".
We know why the error occurs, but we want to know how fix these error instances. It's possible assign this activity to another user?



Using the Visual Studio K2 Process Management tool you can map an instance that is erroring out to a process version that does not error out. When opening the K2 Process Management tool you need to expand the 'Workflow Management Server Node' and expand the 'Error' node, and then select all. All of the errors that are active will be listed, and you can simply click on the error, and select 'Retry' to map to a different process version. After selecting retry if the workflow does not error out it will disappear. If it does error out then that means there is an issue with that version of the process as well. If the workflow disappears then that means that the process has flowed with it's intended trajectory in regards to the newly mapped process instance.




I have a similar issue, but am using an infopath form. There is a checkbox on the form indicating if the client activity is needed, then a people picker to select who it will be assigned to. Originally there was no check to be sure that a name was added (since fixed), but we've run into a process instance that has the box checked but no person assigned.


So how can I do an assignment to correct the error? Since the person is coming from the xml source, I though I might be able to manipulate the xml to add the person, then retry the error. But I don't want to manipulate the data in the k2 database to do so without checking first.

checked email notification

could you please let us know reason why do we face such error.

Currentlu for few doucments we faced same error.

