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Hi All

At present I have installed on my live production server (along with SPS).

I don't particularly enjoy having to RDC into that server to develop my solutions.

Is it possible to run just k2 server / service manager / workspace on that server, and run studio from a different location? For example, if I could run studio on my laptop and just export to the live server everytime I need to make a change?

Many thanks,

Is it possible to run just k2 server / service manager / workspace on that server, and run studio from a different location? For example, if I could run studio on my laptop and just export to the live server everytime I need to make a change?
Yes, you just need to install Studio on your laptop and change the project's Export Server.

Normal practise.


Many thanks for the tip Ockert.

But, you souldn't be making changes to the *live* server 🙂
