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Installation/Configuration Fails with Error: "the sql server database configuration test failed as databases of the wrong type exist"


We have successfully installed the blackpearl client tools (K2 Studio) in a distributed environment. For instance on a developer's machine. We want to install the smartforms client tools (Smartforms process wizard) on the same developer's machine.

The database test is successful, however the validation fails with the errors: the sql server database configuration test failed as databases of the wrong type exist. And the installation can not be continued.

I have search the forum and found this suggestion "Check the collation type of the SQL instance, K2 requires the SQL_Latin1_General_CI_AS collation, and not the default of SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.”"

Which is odd, because the client tools work fine on the K2 server with the collation set as "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS". Our DBA has the following question: "Do they really mean instance or database? If database – OK, if instance – we have a problem. How come they didn’t check this when they installed it?"


I suggested that the client check that the account running the configuration wizard has the necessary permissions or ensure that the correct collation is selected.

The client notified me that the service account that the they were using for the upgrade did not have the correct SQL permissions, providing the correct permissions resolved the issue.

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