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New installation of SP2013 (single server test installation).


Installing 4.6.7 to install the SharePoint 2010 mode components.


I can't open the configuration pages in Central Admin. Getting error


"The resource object with key 'configwelcome_PageTitle' was not found."

Hi dgilmour,


I will see what I can find out about this error for you,

 But in the mean while please look at the following:


>Have a look if the K2 Service is started properly {must not be showing "starting"}

>Try an iisreset.

>After iisreset go into iis manager

>Expand iis server name

>Click on "Application Pools"

>Make sure all Application Pools is started

>Expand "Sites"

>Make sure all required sites is started as well


>>Test and see if error still appears.


Hope this helps.






You can also have a look at the list of known issues and the possible work arounds provided:


Kind regards


And you can also have a look at the attached document which gives you detailed steps on how to install k2 for sharepoint




Hi, dgilmour


Could you please go to the following link for more suggestions on troubleshooting the issue.


Sharepoint Activating a feature error: The resource object with key 'xxxxx' was not found


Note: The above link is from an external source







Just dropping by to find out if the information we provided was able to help in any way, is there any thing else we can assist you with?


Kind regards


Hi, dgilmour


I just wanted to follow up on this post.


Can you confirm with me the following:


  • Did my suggestion help you fix the error
  • Can you open configuration pages in Central Admin without errors?






I just realized that my spam filter was catching all of the community notices... :-(


I will give these suggestions a shot next week.

Hi Dgilmour


You can give the following a try:

Use cmdstsadm -o copyappbincontent

If the above command does not work copy the .resx files form the resources folder to the Global resources folder

Source:  C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb server extensions12CONFIGResources est.resx

Destination:  C:InetpubwwwrootwssVirtualDirectoriesApp_GlobalResources est.resx

Use cmd to restart IIS:  iisreset


See these Documents for References to to the above actions:

What Does stsadm -o copyappbincontent Do?

STSADM copyappbincontent vs. Install-SPApplicationContent

Sharepoint Activating a feature error: The resource object with key 'xxxxx' was not found

How to reset IIS with the IIS Reset command

Hi Dgilmor


I am doing a quick follow up. Were you able to test the commands provided and have a look through the documents in my previous post? also were you able to solve this issue using the commands/documents or on any other means or do you require further assistance with this?



Hi Dgilmour


We have not recieved any feedback regarding the issue in this conversation. Please advise if you were able to solve this issue using the information provided and if it can be marked as solved or do you require futher assistance?
