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Hi all,


I have below scenario.

Need to read a CSV file and insert/update items in sharepoint list.. there will be around 10000!items. After reading the CSV, I am using regex and extracting fields into colection. 

When looping through the fileldsnin collection, the workflow errors out after some time and it doesn't log any error.

Any suggestions what can be done here to fix the issue?


Thanks & Regards,




Firstly I would like to say that you should not exceed 5000 items in a list.
If you are going to do this then pause your loop every 100 loops or so to process in batches.

Hi Simon,

Thank you for the reply. 

I am now trying to loop through each item in collection  with pause between. But problem is workflow is erroring out without showing any error in workflow history.

Any suggestions please?


Thanks in advance,


Any error in the logs?
Did you try restarting the Workflow timer service?
Pausing after each loop will take around 35 days to add 10,000 items to the list.


I believe you can use the Commit pending changes action which won't have to wait for the timer.

Hello Simon,


I am not pausing after each loop, but after some 100 items and tried with 500 items as well.


Thanks & Regards,


Hello Ethurber,


I will try with commit pending changes. I have not used commit why because for now i am only doing foreach and printing number. Hence not used commit pending changes. Will try to insert and use commit pending changes and see.


Thanks & Regards,

