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Inline Function file name modification returning incorrect/varied results with differing file extension length and period (.) characters.


The solution in place was stripping out 3-4 characters from the right of the full file name and saving to a Data Field as the file extension. This would also sometimes grab the period characters on the end, and would truncate files with multiple periods (i.e. "Document Name 2.1.2016.pdf").


Below is a solution using the LastItem() function from the Lists category, and Split(), Length(), and Left() from the Text category.

Data Event 1:
extension = LastItem( Split( tfilename], . ))

Data Event 2:
newFilename = Left( tfilename], Expression: Length( hfilename] ) - Length( hextension] ) - 1 )0123456789.8extension]

In English:
Data Event 1 splits the file name into multiple strings based on the period character as a delimiter, and then sets textension] to the last string (which is your extension without the preceding period).

Data Event 2 takes the left side of the file name minus the length of extension (and it's preceding period) and then concatenates it with your random number (denoted by '0123456789'), a period, and the extension.

This has been tested this using the web designer and it successfully renames documents that have many periods and/or long extension names (like page.master).

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