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Hello friends,

We have a requirement in our InfoPath integrated K2 workflow that approvers should open the action item from a generic mailbox. Requester submits his request for approval to a generic mailbox account. There are 'n' number of approvers who have configured the mailbox to their Outlook. The approvers have to open the item from the mailbox through the link on the notification email and act on it.

But this does not work as system takes windows authentication (i.e., the approver's login id) while opening the item and says "There are no worklist items for this user."

I also tried setting "Any User" in the option "Who is allowed to finish the worklist item" in the InfoPath client wizard. It did not help. Can anyone please advise me how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance for your help!



Do you have a set list of the users that will be able to do the approval? Why don't you set up a role and add the specified users to the role and then make them the destination user of the approval process? How do you have the destination user specified right now?



Thank you for the response. I have done exactly the same way. I created a role and added the users who are having access to the generic email inbox to it.  I set the role as the destination user of the InfoPath client activity. However I would like to know is there any other way around to give access to everyone who have access to email inbox? What is the purpose of "Action can be finished by Any User" in the InfoPath client wizard then?




Only other way I can think of would be to set up an AD group that you then would add as the destination user.

The purpose of the "Action can be finished by Any User" is defined as that anyone in the slot can work the item and when they complete the action, it will finish the activity.

To see more about destination users, roles and slots, refer to this:
