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I'm extremely new to K2 so please forgive all the fumbling.

Doin a PoC for a client, they want a site manager to submit a form containing all tenants at his site and their monthly bills for 2 levels of approval.

I know the first form will have to be Infopath and use a smartobject to retrieve tenants for that site. Now, I don't want the approver to have to open over 2,000 approvals to approve so I want the Infopath form to submit to a SharePoint list where the approver can come in and approve bulk items.

I suspect I'm supposed to use an IPC somewhere in there but I don't know where or even how. Any help much appreciated.


Hi.. Welcome to the K2 world..

If you want the approver to look at the same data in the InfoPath form as what was used for data entry.. then it's fairly simple.

1) Create a second view with all of the information that you want the person to look at. You can put fields into a read only state here if you don't want to allow any changes. (either read only text fields, or disable the controls through a rule)

2) Create a second action field (general best practices is to create an Actions group to hold all of your different actions fields)

3) add the action field somewhere on that second view. You can leave it a text field because K2 will change it to a drop down and bind to it.

4) Add another InfoPath Client event to your process. Select the second view and the second action. The destination is the approver of the whole document.

5) End the process with an InfoPath document event that places the document into a SharePoint library for archival purposes only. Otherwise the only way to see the information is to open the reporting and look at the XLM raw.. Not so nice.

