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This issue was logged because of a migration from SharePoint 2010 using InfoPath Forms to SharePoint 2013 and how to get K2 working with the InfoPath Forms still active on the new SharePoint 2013 server.

The issue does not so much come down to whether or not it will work but whether or not it is supported.


There are two K2 documentation links that have more information regarding this:

Unsupported Features
These features are currently not available in the remote client APIs for SharePoint 2013. As stated above, this means that K2 cannot offer any integration with these features.

- InfoPath: InfoPath and InfoPath Services does not have a remote API.


Where it says the following under point 3:

3 - InfoPath 2013 Forms must be set to InfoPath 2010 compatibility mode in the form options


So there are two articles that basically state that K2 does not support InfoPath integration with SharePoint 2013.


So the resolution from a K2 support perspective here is that this scenario is not supported.

However, since we know that there are other customers who will want a workaround, I am providing a workaround here but keep in mind it is not supported. It is a stop-gap between the immediate need to upgrade to SharePoint 2013 and later converting to SmartForms.

These are the steps you can take to get it working in the meantime:
- Installation of both K2 for SP2010 and K2 for SP2013 components on the SharePoint Server
--- This involves running the K2 Blackpearl Setup Manager for the SP2010 components and the K2 for SharePoint Setup Manager for the SP2013 components
- Configuration of the K2 for SP2010 components by adding the ?AllowSP2010=1 at the end of the URL
--- This involves running the K2 for SharePoint Registration wizard in Central Admin and finally activating the features by using the above workaround

There are of course other issues that need to be worked around:
- In order to make SmartObjects work in the InfoPath Forms :
--- check the 2 checkboxes on the “Configure InfoPath Forms Services Web Service Proxy” page to resolve that. It was not the case on SP2010.
- CurrentLoginName value retrieved by InfoPath username() methods is different in Claims Authentication
--- Ex: “i:0_.w|domainlogin” and no more “login”
- The library “K2 BlackPearl Data Connection” is not of type “Data Connection Library” but just “Library”
--- This is probably an issue when using custom software that also has to be migrated, for example the DataConnectionLibrary feature not activated.

After doing the above and making sure everything is working, you should be at the point where:
- InfoPath forms are working in Web Mode
- SmartObjects are working from InfoPath
- K2 Workflow is started automatically as expected


Please keep in mind that the above is just a workaround for a stopgap situation that is not currently supported in K2.

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