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I have an InfoPath form that has been integrated with SmartObjects, and is browser enabled for SharePoint.  I am using K2 blackpoint 4.5 and K2 Studio to develop the process.

This form was working fine earlier today, then from K2 Studio, I went into design the form.  InfoPath designer opened, I updated the data source connection that is integrated with SmartObjects, so that it uses a UDCX connection located on my SharePoint site.  Saved and closed InfoPath.

When the K2 Studio designer returns and refreshes the form in the process, it now throws an exception and here's the details of it:

An item with this name already exists in the collection.

Parameter name: item   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.DesignerNameCollection.ValidateArgument(String key, String name, Object value)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.DesignerNameCollection.Add(DesignerNameObject item)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.Solution.dataConnections_ItemAdding(Object sender, CollectionEventArgs e)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.DesignerCollection.OnItemAdding(CollectionEventArgs e)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.DataConnections.DataConnectionCollection.Add(IDataAdapter item)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.WorkflowFormTemplateEditor.AddSmartObjectDataConnections()

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.WorkflowFormTemplateEditor.UpdateXsn(FormTemplateObject ftObj)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplateItem.WorkflowEnableFormTemplate(Boolean loadSmartObjects)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplateItem.OpenInDesignMode(Boolean workflowEnable)

   at SourceCode.Workflow.Wizards.InfoPath.ManageFormTemplatesPage.designItem()

Now, I can't get out of that Infopath Integration Wizard successfully, forcing me to hit Cancel.

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!



This is more than likely related to the manual conversion of the data connection. K2 handles the conversion of a data connection ( to udcx file ), automatically during deployment. Have you tried reverting to the previous version of the form ( without the converted data connection )?


