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Hello everyone, that's me again. I got a problem again. I have infopath form with dropdown list and repeating table. Dropdown list is a list with departments. I want to choose which departments are involved in this form, so in first row I choose for example security department then add new row to repeating table and choose another department. After submiting the form I want to create task for each department (sometimes I choose one department then I want to create task for the manager from this department and sometimes I choose for example 10 departments and create task for each manager from every department (10 tasks). The problem is: how can I know which department is selected and which are selected? I don't know how to do this in k2 blackpoint I'd be very gratefull if anyone could help me with this problem.



In your infiopath dropdown make the corresponding manager id as the value of the dropdown which shows the departments list and then in yur workflow assign this repeating field as the destination in yur activity. If you had chosen one department, then there would be one destination, if you had chosen 10 departments there would be 10 destinations
Ok thanks! I managed how to complete this task :)

Hi I am new to K2, but i have been making good progress till now...

would you please elaborate on this?

I have a repeating table in my infopath and i want to iterate though the rows and do something (like create an announcement for each line entered in the table).

how do you exactly "assign this repeating field as the destination in yur activity" ????

the only destination i have in an activity is the Destination User!

i would appreciate if you could help.


From what you've described above it sounds like you might be on the right track.  What you need to do is in the Destination User screen click the <<Back arrow and select the Advanced option (its not very discoverable).  Then you want to test out the Plan per slot (no destinations) and for the slots to be created point it to the repeating XML field.

Here is the help topic:  K2 Process > K2 Wizards > Activity Wizard > Default Activity Wizard > Destination Rule > Plan Per slot

Depending on exactly what needs to be done you might need to create a child process for each repeating item.  That technique is described in the following blog:

I hope this helps.

