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Hi all,

We have a single process with 4 InfoPath forms
integrated with it. We start the process by submitting Form A. The first client
event is set up to open a view on Form A, but every time we publish it resets
to open this task on Form B. We have even created a new client event, pointed it to Form A, and replaced the existing one with the new one and the same thing happens. 

Has anyone else seen this behaviour?

There is a possibility that the change view in the template itself has gone corrupt. In order to check if this is the case please do the following.

Get the InfoPath template from your library change to explorer view in order to see them and copy the template to your local drive. Open the copy in design view and go to Tools > form Options > chose category Open and Save and under open behaviour click the Rules button.

Now this is the rules that may be corrupt. Please verify that all of the views are there. If not add them


Just like Vernon said, more then likely the change view is wrong.

For further clarification, check this out:

Thanks to both of you guys, but to clarify, it's not the incorrect view... it's the incorrect form.

This is currently logged as a bug when using multiple InfoPath forms the client events changes to use one of the templates. As a workaround you will have to run through the client event wizards and do the necessary changes. The changes happen when closing the designer and when opening it the client events get changed.


Thanks Vernon. I haven't managed to find an existing bug yet but I'll keep looking.

If it only switched back when opening/closing the project I could work around that by not closing it, but this refreshes every time I deploy, which blocks us from developing further.

Forgot to mention that this will be fixed in the next major release of Blackpearl (Blackpearl 4.5). Also where are you deploying from? (Studio, MSBUILD)




