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I have an InfoPath client event, with 3 actions configured to key off of a task action field in the form - "Save", "Submit", and "Redirect".  Save & Submit function correctly; however, when "Redirect" is selected, I receive the following error:

InfoPath cannot submit the form.
An error occurred while the form was being submitted.
The SOAP response indicates that an error occurred on the server:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: The worklist item cannot be completed due to the following reason: A user name must be specified to which the task must be redirected to.
   at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Functions.InfoPathFunctions.HandleException(Exception ex)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Functions.InfoPathFunctions.SubmitInfoPathData(Object infoPathFormXml)
   at SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.InfoPathService.SubmitInfoPathData(Object infoPathFormXml)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

 Any ideas???


  As we saw today, it looks like an action named Redirect actually fires the K2 Redirect feature. 

  That feature requires you have a Redirect user defined. 

  You have 2 options

  1) set the Redirect User before submitting in your InfoPath form

  2) the option you chose which is to change the action name to something other than Redirect I believe you set it to Re-Direct to make this function the way you anticipated.


