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I have created an InfoPath template in a SharePoint Form Library on our dev box. When I am working directly on the dev box and submit the form (via the K2 Task Pane), the workflow is kicked off and seems to work. But when I go to a different machine and try to submit the form from outside (not the dev box but within the firewall) I get the error dialog:
"InfoPath cannot submit the form.
An error occurred while the form was being submitted.
InfoPath either cannot connect to the data source or the service has timed out."

I also cannot browse the InfoPath web service located at
http://server:8080/K2V3/InfoPathService/InfoPathService.asmx in IE if I'm not directly on the dev box. I am repeatedly prompted for user and password even though I'm typing it correctly. After 3 tries it results in
"You are not authorized to view this page
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
Internet Information Services (IIS)"

I can however see the InfoPath web service via Firefox after authenticating once.

What is wrong with my set up? Does this have something to do with port 8080? What does the fact that it cannot authenticate any user mean something? I have set IE to allow for "data access across domains" and made the dev box domain a "trusted site". I can also connect for example to SharePoint Central Administration located at http://server:<SPSPort#>/... on the dev box.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Is your K2 server and sharepoint server on different machines? Sounds like the credentials are not being passed to K2. In such a case you may have to enable Kerberos on your network for the user credentials to be passed from the SPS server to the K2 server.
Both SPS and K2 are on the same machine. SPS is running on dev port 80, and K2 is running on dev port 8080. I believe that the InfoPath service itself is not allowing my user to access it. Is there something else in IIS that needs to be set?

The deal is that when I am actually in the dev machine logged in as my user I can run throught the workflow successfully. When I'm logged in as my user on another machine, trying to access dev via the browser, I can't access the web services.
Problem solved by ensuring that the proper server name <server> was everywhere in my studio set up... NOT localhost

Then went to InfoPath Tools-> DataConnections -> MainSubmit, modify and ensured that the infopath service url was also set to the proper server name.

Then went into K2 studio, right clicked on canvas for Properties.
In InfoPath document actions, updated the settings and then refreshed the document.

For a better explanation see timkn's response in
