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 Don't know if this one has anything to do with the K2 elements, but it's got me completely stumped, so I thought I'd post it here in desperation, and in case someone else has experienced the same issue....

We have a process (called Billing Start) which allows our Finance people to kick off various billings proceses (Credit, Cancellation, Scheduled Bill, Ad Hoc Bill) for a customer. The user interface is a single form where the user enters the customer data, and then checks one or more checkboxes before submitting the form. K2 then starts a process for this customer for each of the billings processes that the user checked.

The issue is that when the form is submitted, a record of the Created Date/Time is stored in the SmartObject table for this process (along with references for the transaction IDs for the child processes being started). When the date is 22 September (for example) it stores correctly in UK Format DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS. When the date is, say 10 September, it stores in US Format.

This would be confusing enough, but it gets better. It stores in US format only when just a single billings process is selected. If the user selects two or more billings processes, the date stores correctly in UK format.

Now this is an automatically stored date/time, with no user intervention. I've looked for any other consistencies, but there are none. All users that have incorrectly stored dates also get dates saved correctly when they check two or more boxes on the form.

I'm left with the possibility that the problem arises from the number of boxes checked - but THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!!!

Please help a poor, underfunded techie get some sanity back into his working life!?



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