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Inconsistency detected between SmartObject




We currently have three environment, DEV, UAT and Prod. Prod is not yet implemented, but we have copied our database structures from Dev into this environment. We have had an issue with our Dev environment and have had to delete the databases and remove and reinstall K2 and our databases. We have used the K2 Packages that were created and installed to our UAT environment (that are functioning in UAT) and attempted to deploy to our Dev environment, but we are receiving messages for numerous SmartObjects "Inconsisteny detected on SmartObjects". Many of these are related tot he Service Object that is a stored procedure. When we use SmartObject Tester and look at the stored procedure in our UAT environment, we can see that it has properties, but when we check the DEV environment, there are no properties. The databases and the stored procedures that are referenced have been checked and even a backup and restored of the database from UAT to DEV has not fixed the issue. We have refreshed the SmarttObjects every time we make a change.


As per our call ... There was an option on the SQL Service Instance Properties page that allows you to set a switch that disables the creation of Properties for sProc Parameters . This was enabled on the one server and disabled on the other

Let me know if you run into further problems with the deployment

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