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I have created a list view, but I want the User to see able to click an Item in the List View and then get it to open the Iten View for that item so that they can add more data to other fields for that Item. Any ideas how you do this?


I have tried to make the List View Editable (which works), but I only have about 8 columns in the List view to make it look tidy on the screen. I want it so they click an item and then it open a seperate Item View for that one item and display all the fields.


I already have an Item View which is used for data entry in the first instance.



Hi Sharpharp1,


Depending on how your data is stored, you'll need to configure associations between the smartobjects involved.


This example is only using one smartobject, but it should be enough to get you moving.  Essentially, this is the form rule you'll need to set up.




And for the details:


Events: "When a View raises an event"

Action: "Execute a view method"


Details of the configure step, input mappings is very straightforward.



Output mappings is also fairly straightfoward, just populate the detail view's controls with data from the smartobject:




Once that's done, you can save, check in all the required forms and views, and test:




Hope that helps!



Thanks for your reply, i followed that and made a rule that if a user double clicks, it opens the item in item view.


But what if I want the user to go straight to the item from an email, how do I do that?

I've done some work on this and managed to capture the ID of the Item as a Datafield.


In my email to the user from the workflow I include the name of the form as a URL and add my Datafield on the end but it doesn't work.


So for exmaple it looks like this when the user receives it:


When they click on it it says server error.


What is the correct syntax for the end user to click on to take you directly to that item?


Thanks as always!

You've got the right idea there, but you need to set up a parameter to have that work.


I'm working under the assumption that the list view does not need any modification for this part of the process, and we are only considering the detailed item view, and having it autopopulate with whatever item ID you are referencing.


I started by creating a parameter called ObjectID



After that, I'm off to the rules section to edit the form initialization rule:



The rule you need to add is as follows, make sure you don't delete the previous initialization stuff.  You're going to add a condition such that:


IF a form parameter has been specified, THEN execute a View control method




Choose your item view, execute Load, and configure it so that ObjectID (paramater) is passed over as the ID of the object you're interested in




Your runtime URL will look something like this:


Thanks, worked a treat!!!
