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This is extremely important;  the case is as follows:

1. Design a work flow that contains at least two activities each has a default client event and a default server event (code).

2. On the k2 canvas add a reference to a dll that depends on a config file to operate - the config file may contain connection string to some database -.

3. Build and deploy the workflow then create and instance of the process.

the following error appears

"Unable to find assemly 'BLA.BLA.BLA, version, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxx'."



I am using a wcf class that requres a .config file

In my urge to solve the problem i did the following: 

I placed the required config file in all the Possible directories k2 could use.

I also placed the dll in the GAC.


but still it didnt work

You have put the config file somewhere on the server and load the file in your code. I don't remember exectly how, but something ala ConfigurationManager.Load(filename) or similar.

Google is your friend. :-)

You mean i do the following

place the following code in the dll constructor.


System.Configuration.ConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new ConfigurationFileMap(strConfigPath); //Path to your config file
System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedMachineConfiguration(fileMap);



can you be more specific regarding the config file location on the server

Somewhere = anywhere where it can be accessed by your process - including read right by the K2 service account.

 If you had read the code you pasted in your post, you would see that the path is stored in strConfigPath...

Thanks for the reply; it seems that you misunderstood my discussion about the path. what i meant was the K2HostServer.config which can be updated to hold the configurations needed.
No, you don't store your config in that file. Just make a new config file for your application and store the file somewhere (anywhere) on the harddrive.

Thanks cato

just visit the following site to understand what i mean about the k2hostserver.config

and read the first paragraph

Thanks again for your help.
