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Hi all,

I have created a .net smart form project.

In the root folder,I created a smart form called Request.aspx

Then I created a folder in the root folder of the project and name it as HireRequest
in the HireRequest i created a smart form named it as Request.aspx

now in the project,there are two smart forms named as Request.aspx

when i built the project
a bulid error occured,reads:
Resource Request.aspx.resx and HireRequestRequest.aspx.resx have same list resource name bbsolution.Request.resources 。

I don't know what is the reason

In a sub folder , can I include a file with the same name to a file in the root folder of the project?

if not , Do I have to create two .net projects for two processes?

Your kind reply will be appreciated.

Thank you !

This seems to be a bug with the k2smartforms.

A workaround is to name the page and append the process name, or activity name to the page.

Alternatively, different projects could be created for each process, which maybe a bit too cumbersome.
